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02/09/18 4:18 PM

#43713 RE: carp1 #43711


Its the shareholders fault this stock is dead. Nothing at all to do with the greasy CEO(s) with no business at all.

Stand up Steve(o) is the latest.

EEGI has been destined to fail for over 10 years.

Greasy scamming CEO's gravitate to this ticker because they know it has been run with no rules at all other then pump & then dump.

If they're lucky.

Looks like Steve(o) failed at that as well.

Market knew this was a scam from the start with the history of EEGI and knowing Steve(o)was now involved.

Not too many were duped here this time.

Yet stand up Steve(o) still trying with his lame tweets.


Patient shareholder

02/09/18 9:30 PM

#43715 RE: carp1 #43711

So let me see if I understand what you are saying...

If Steve does not disclose the risks involved with a stock (SHR#) past or present, and others buy into that stock not knowing the risks; then Steve would be a scammer and an unfit CEO of any company?

Just making sure that is the point being made here at EEGI/IMHI?

I do believe I am really starting to understand.

Patient shareholder

02/09/18 10:22 PM

#43717 RE: carp1 #43711

So if Steve did disclose the information about the risks and potential issues that could arise; then would it not be the shareholder responsibility to read the public documents before investing? If they did not read or do DD; then the responsibility of actions would fall on the investor, and not the CEO (Steve Smith) or the company (Shr#) in that case.

Personal decisions... Personal responsibility... Personal consequences...

As stated on Twitter in a reply to someone... October 13, 2015 8-k SHR#... Good read for.public information and disclosure of risk and cautions...

Homework 101.

Go EEGI/IMHI/Steve Smith