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02/09/18 10:07 AM

#113176 RE: trader59 #112757

CEO DD links to add to Darryl Green links in my referenced post.

Mike Starkweather links. Pretty sure this is him since the phone number listed in the info is the same as listed on this board’s page:

He's been a "high" level executive on a few small endeavors. Read the whole paragraph (hit "read more") under the Recent News section, and you'll find a bankruptcy filing in 2014.

If you click through the links, you'll see Golden Global Corp, which has been a gold mining operation, purchased that Combo Hitter system (MMA Punching bag thing), but now they seem to be in the cannibus industry under symbol GLDG.

Sometime in between the MMA thing and cannibus, Mike seems to have left them for Shuttle Pharmaceuticals, they made a filing for an IPO in December of 2016 that hasn't happened:

Made a deal with a company in Japan (note that Mike is listed as the media contact for that deal):

He's not listed as an employee (so far the highest number I've seen is 12, this is not a big company), but may have been doing some marketing or deals for them, as I found a few articles he wrote for them and others:

Still continuing my own personal DD.


03/26/18 2:35 PM

#141775 RE: trader59 #112757
