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02/08/18 12:23 PM

#112225 RE: jocba #112216

What helps me get my mind around this stock is to consider that ANDI is either one of 2 things but can not be both:

a) one of the greatest frauds ever concocted upon the OTC where several highly successful and prominent business successes (Darryl Green and Loudon Owen), men of great integrity, will sacrifice their future reputation for short term enrichment, while in the long term likely foregoing millions in future income


B) the real deal and potentially one of the greatest opportunities to profit on a stock of my and your lifetime.

I obviously believe it’s (b) and when I look at this stock it makes a long term hold make a ton of sense. I have no fear of losing money on this. Where do you stand? I think a lot of ANDI investors are on plane B !!!! ANDI Strong !!


02/08/18 12:23 PM

#112227 RE: jocba #112216

You are extremely late to this party. Please do you DD before posting. Doesn't make you look good.