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02/05/18 1:58 PM

#98357 RE: erik48 #98351

Hi erik48!! So glad you posted on the AMFE FAMILY Board!! And congrats on being a shareholder and really great of you to suggest to some others to look at his company as an investment also!! It is understandable for brokers to warn customers on buying penny stocks and I'm sure they're actually required by their firms to do so. I don't know what those firms charge for purchases but most online brokers are between $5 and $10 I believe. So I've been using online brokers for many years to save on commissions.

Thank you again for mentioning AMFE to friends and co-workers and most all of us here believe any who buy AMFE will profit nicely depending on their idea of holding time. Some of us here give new posters a member mark and I have done so for you your first mark I see. I and I know all of us here wish you the very best in this investment and I also wish you the best in any other investments you're holding and hope your life outside the market is great also!!

And for me it's AMFE FOR LIFE also....Cheers!!! tuna


02/05/18 2:13 PM

#98362 RE: erik48 #98351

Great info erik48, thanks for sharing. The uplist will be a significant catalyst for sure.


02/05/18 2:33 PM

#98365 RE: erik48 #98351

And all those brokers who “warned” people about penny stocks will likely be loading AMFE themselves post uplist. You can bank on it. Welcome Erik!


02/05/18 3:07 PM

#98370 RE: erik48 #98351

I went Through the same warning when I requested to trade pinks in my fidelity account.

I pretty much told him to save his breath and that I knew what I was doing and then went on to explain specifically what I wanted to trade; AMFE.

By the time we were done, I had the guy excited about looking into AMFE himself. :)

$$$$ AMFE $$$$


02/05/18 4:19 PM

#98388 RE: erik48 #98351

WELCOME ABOARD 'Erik48'!! Glad you're here AMFE FOR LIFE! ;-)


02/05/18 6:04 PM

#98408 RE: erik48 #98351

Well...You sure timed Your buy right.

With the Financials and the uplisting coming....all I can say to You:



$$$$ AMFE $$$$