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02/02/18 9:22 PM

#640 RE: neznam #638

The permit application is a complicated plan document which can take a lot of time to put together. Once the deal was signed I know that Gulfslope went into full time drilling application mode with all hands. Unfortunately some things will be done by 3rd parties, so are out of Gulfslope control. I wouldn’t expect a permit to be issued for at least 3 or 4 months. As far as publicity or road showing, I’m afraid that is on the back burner until the permit application(s) is filed. As a stockholder I want them to concentrate on the drilling activities. Once they are actually drilling wells, that will be the biggest boost to interest in the stock.
As far as share availibility, it occurs to me that holders who are convinced that this deal is going to succeed will be keeping everything they have. This includes the friends and family stockholders who have a big portion of the shares. So there just may not be that many shares in circulation.