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02/02/18 11:20 AM

#150004 RE: TenKay #149957

TenK:  There has been sustained buying pressure since the cup-n-handle bottom in May as evidenced by the steadiness of the ACCUM/DIST indicator over the 8-9 months in face of MASSIVE dilution.

Somebody just admitted the other day what we've AND more importantly what DO DIRECTLY hinted at when he stated in a FB reply last week about not being able to "trade" BVTK shares but being able to just buy up the float.

One option could be to have DPT “buy” something from BVTK in return for DPT shares that could then be divvied to BVTK shareholders....but there may not be enough.

Makes me think of an anomolly I've recently discovered lending credence..."The Case of the Missing T-Trades".

We had a monster missing block AGAIN yesterday on a slow day.  TDA is digging into it.  It is not a technical glitch nor the "inside/outside/absorption" theory you've proposed.

This time, it was the ~6.5MM last reported T-Trade of yesterday.  Just simply, purposefully, removed from the daily append of the chart stats...

Here it is...

Here it's not...

Missing T-Trades = the something DPT "buy"s.  And, ohhhhh, Tommy's providing plenty of them for him.  MORE THAN ENOUGH, as we're constantly reminded of here. ;-)

Yup...remember the $5MM BVTK LOC to DPTK JV?  The JV (DO) uses $5MM to buy up all the BVTK float it can for ~.0025 yielding ~2BB shares. The shares are private placement PURCHASED by JV (DO) and given back to BVTK to do what they want w/ them.

Forgot the JV is an LLC, too.  Those 99.999% of the time do not go public.  They change to a C-corp first.  I don't think that's going to happen.  Staying an LLC, DPT and BVTK then both just take care of their own 60/40 split of everything, including taxes, via through their own separate bank accounts, as the DPTK JV 8K outlined.

They are swapping shares. IMO, after reading the article directly below and piecing all I know together on this, DPT is going public via Direct Listing (NO IPO) and BVTK shareholders will get DPT shares as a dividend.  DPT shareholders will get BVTK shares.

The $5MM LOC from BVTK to the JV...again...

Put in DPT's SEPARATE 60% BANK ACCOUNT UNDER DO's name.  He uses the $5MM to buy ~2BB shares @~.0025/avg _from the float, as he stated he could) then GIVES them back to BVTK to satisfy repayment of the $5MM BVTK LOC loan.

Then, as BVTK's tweet the other day stated, BVTK 'lends' DPT 'equity' (BVTK shares...~2BB of them) for DO to, in return, divvy out to HIS private shareholders as a dividend.  Then...Direct Listing to NASDAQ for DPT.

I see this scenario fulfilling TC's word that they wouldn't initiate a buyback until they themselves were in a position to put up their own funds.  The share DPT swap via BVTK/JV LOC covers that!

Another 2.3BB in the float left to go now at this point, per the above scenario.  But, wait, there's more..

Sooooo......That's 2BB off the O/S and via a TC(BVTK)/DO(DPT) share swap.  The equity players still want some.  Here's where they come in to take care of another 2BB off the float.

What did Tommy say...debt holders become equity players????  Here's how...

They are their own ASR Program included w/ the total buyback and it's they who buyback ALMOST the rest of the float (~2BB) I mentioned would be left in my hypothetical scenario that just so happens to me to make to make total f'ing sense.  Hahaha.

BVTK puts up some ($5MM via LOC JV share swap w/DPT) and the debt lenders-turned-equity investors put up the second half ($5MM initial ASR "BIG SHORT") to buyback and reduce the BVTK O/S by ~4BB shares.  The ASR would most likely be more, though.  Thats OK.  Didn't he mention more than one w/ $50-75MM looking to throw down, something like that?  The $5MM would be just the base cost for 2BB @ .0025avg/share.

Where has the price been held most over the last 9 months?  Right about here where we have been HELD AT for the past 10 days.

So, (5×$50MM)+$5MM(this being the initial short cost 5×$1MM/each)=$255MM total ASR w/ avg cover cost/share of ~.13/share.

$255,000,000 ÷ 2,000,000,000 = .1275

Then...NO FLOAT (almost...~300MM at that point). PRICE GOES PARABOLIC from there.  BVTK shareholders around the world rejoice. :-)

BVTK soon to join DPT to THE NAZ by Independence Day, 2018.

Incidentally, DISA should have in place their NEW "email gateway infrastructure" by then too, as was told by THEM, to replace the outdated MS Exchange based MAIL.MIL system...
The BillyDollarDISAdeal

ALL the details could be in this next 10Q.

Debbie King...BVTK's 'Wonder Woman', to round out the Superhero storyline.  Ian...Wolverine?  JB...hmmm, have to think about that one.  Haha

Anticipating the next 10Q being PACKED w/ exhibits!


