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Dolly Llama

10/05/06 6:19 PM

#22075 RE: spockster202 #22073


Our German coach at the opera house is 90 years old, would you believe, and she was a Hitlerjunge herself. Of course, it wasn't her fault, though sometimes I wonder about her.

She's such a hoot. What a character! And she says some of the funniest things, always unintentionally. For example, sometimes when she can't hear the chorus pronounce the letter "g" strongly enough in a German word, she will jump up and correct us in a loud voice, telling us to pronounce the "g" more strongly. The only problem is that in the German alphabet the letter "g" is pronounced "gay", not "gee". So you can imagine how many choristers double over and hit their heads on their music stands when they see this feisty little white-haired former Nazi jump up, wave her arm in the air, and shout, "Come out with the gay!!!!"