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01/31/18 2:51 PM

#506772 RE: dmceng #506770

Agreed...though that is not the case for everyone. Of course talk of $7-$10k per P is ridiculous at this point.



01/31/18 2:55 PM

#506773 RE: dmceng #506770

Who knows HOW any of this is gonna actually turn out here, but I just know how the greedy would do things and this is exactly how they could do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It would be WRONG IMHO but very legal and doable imho.

And IF it went down that way I don't think the prefereds would be carried over as prefereds but as commons unless of course they made the FACE even larger and interest bigger.

They imho would issue commons for those so as to NOT create debt and on going divie requirements and since face is just face and all you'd get is the interest ,I'd think they would want the exponential GROWTH they would obtain in the common shares of such a company........

But again all just a theory but plausible.............

ALL were warned and ALL WERE GIVEN the PAYOUT MATRIX so nobody here can say """THEY WEREN'T WARNED"" and didn't know where the bulk would be going.......and again prefereds hold no VOTE so commons will be the ones that elect fro this to happen if if if it does!!!!!!!!!!!!!!GAME SET MATCH