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01/28/18 10:23 AM

#95646 RE: beachlifeguy #95645

Lot of people worrying about the audit completion and uplist getting done this month. These are not long term holders IMO

Afraid of the stock dropping if we don't announce something soon.

Calm down Roger has always updated us whenever a deadline is going to be delayed. He always has a logical explanation.

I still feel we'll get several tweets this evening Just relax!!!


01/28/18 10:32 AM

#95649 RE: beachlifeguy #95645

Correct, but I am referring to the timeline.

It's like ordering pizza and they tell you within 30 minutes and within 15 minutes you are already calling to find out why the pizza hasn't been delivered. You should wait 30 minutes and if they don't deliver by then, you call to inquire what happened.

If I am the phone responder at the pizza joint, I would be aggravated if most customers called in before the approximate delivery time given, especially if I am also working on other things at the same time to get the pizzas ready. And let's say you don't call in after 15 minutes, but instead decide to go on asking "Why are my pizzas taking so long to be delivered?" How would other customers view your business if they see that?

It's a dumb example, but I hope you understand where I am coming from.

Lucky Cannon

01/28/18 10:36 AM

#95650 RE: beachlifeguy #95645

I'd say leave the Roginator alone for now. Timely PRs can help keep the momentum but we all know we are sitting on a rocket ship here. The auditing process for any company (I have been through a few for IPO) is long and arduous, especially with how diversified AMFE is with the different pieces of the company all needing to be vetted. Audits always have unexpected bumps in the road and never complete on time. Roger can't make that go any faster without sacrificing the quality and integrity of the process, and we want everything to be buttoned up tight. Let the bean counters do their thing while we continue to grow and market SNL, GRO3 and make beautiful Canadian driveways . ;) . IMO the longer the audit takes, the more the shorts get burned and long shares consolidate. It has been a long wait but we will all be very happy in the relatively near term future. The beauty of this stock is it moves legitimately, very rare on the stinkin pinks.

That being said, it is a free country. MERICA! CANADA! Carry on.