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01/24/18 9:06 PM

#43383 RE: carp1 #43312

Does anyone else find it amazing Steve's ties to the entertainment and media business???

EEGI/IMHI is just in startup mode, but Steve has so many ties to so many more possible attachments to add to EEGI/IMHI/IREC.

The band attached to the website would suggest that his attachments are small, but when checking out Steve's actual ties not only in entertainment but media base also; Steve has many ties to possible future attachments. Factor in Steve's wife's ties to possible future attachments, people attached to them, and people attached to those people, etc... Steve actually has a very impressive long list of ties to potential future attachments.

It becomes quite clear when reading with both eyes open and checking out Steve's LinkedIn profile ties; Steve really has more potential future attachments than most people have rocks in their driveway...

Having ownership and self leveraged control over their own futures, combined with being shareholders themselves, could be a huge incentive to bring in quite a large entertainment, media, etc. attachment list.

Check out the LinkedIn pages... And there are so many more...

Take notice of his wife's entertainment base of connections and possible future attachments... Impressive... So many possibilities! Musicians, media, sports, actors, etc...