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01/19/18 10:37 AM

#42920 RE: ztect #42919

Personally, I wish the subject of an uplist to the naz would have never been brought up until the company was ready and the pps already in the plus 3 area which it will be at some point unknown at this time. The recent r/s to beef up the pps and get more eyeballs only worked for a short period and I have little doubt that most of that temporary increase in the pps was from this board members buying shrs.. And then the drop to today's level simply due to the inability of the company to get the word out that the company exists. And the pre r/s pps was moving in the right direction prior to and now has stalled. Not just stalled but flat to negative. An up list isn't the holy grail and the vast majority of the time results in a rapid descent of the pps. How is this one different?

But the more important question is---what in the world is a Doggedness?
Is that even a word?