FCC rejected most points raised by AT&T and Fibertower. But they also rejected CCA.
Overall it may be foretelling the end of hopes that FCC would apply the right sort of conditions, if at all should they yet approve the Fibertower transfer of all licenses involved. In this Verizon decision the FCC seems to me to have laid the groundwork for claiming it is not their problem to help the bankruptcy court settle this. But the FCC also did not say that the courts have no bearing.
So it could work out that if approved the BK court would have to determine the value by itself.
Here's the 12 page document by another link, since I could not get the cellardweller link to work for myself - maybe related to an email link or something not taking hold. Anyway, if any of you are having the same problem try this:
Two last points: the FCC / Verizon approval was signed by Donald Stockdale. AND a big point - the decision was effective immediately provided the consummation between Verizon and Straight Path is reported as conditioned by item 33 entirely. That means there is only that delay - no waiting to the decision to be published in the Federal Register, but there is a provision of 30 days for someone (who?) to file a petition for reconsideration, usually then rejected in many situations.