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01/13/18 11:53 AM

#137240 RE: Investor2014 #137230

Tau Protein Dispersal The New Cause

Interesting finding, that the tau waste protein spreads and accumulates in the brain, inhibiting its normal function. Previously, the dispersal of the tau tangles was not detected nor considered in the Alzheimer’s disease process. Brand new stuff.

With the continuing last-century perspectives on how to treat Alzheimer’s, a whole bunch of Big Pharrma research directors will be diligently searching for, inviting new drugs that might, somehow, complicate tau protein dispersal in the brain. Makes sense, doesn’t it? This new research nails, does it not, the REAL cause of Alzheimer’s. Somehow, keep the tau tangles from not only accumulating (the old perspective), but also keep them from dispersing into active areas of the brain. That’ll fix it all, no doubt.

But good luck finding some drug that will do this. It will have to have relatively few side effects, of low severity. It will have to cross the blood/brain barrier, to get into the brain to do its work there. It must not evoke immune responses, nor interfere with any normal proteins, nor interfere in any brain processes or function. Could the drug be administered orally, or require intravenous injection?

And, treatment almost surely would be chronic, unending, without termination. Stop the treatment and the in-place processes that cause the production of the tau proteins continue.

Lastly, as with all the others targeting the waste proteins of Alzheimer’s, the treatment scenario targets and treats downstream stages of the Alzheimer’s disease process — AFTER the waste proteins have been pathologically generated.

Again, a quick contrast to the Anavex approach. It targets the upstream, headwater disease stage, as it were, keeping the waste proteins from accumulating in the first place. Reconfigure neuron organelles to their original, non-pathogenic state and function, and the cell resumes normal facility.

This new tau brain dispersal finding can provide high-paying jobs for a bunch of new neurology and biochemistry post-docs. We wish them well, of course.

But the future of successful Alzheimer’s treatment (and prevention) is with Anavex Life Sciences Corp.