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01/12/18 8:28 PM

#90669 RE: Egold #90661

I mostly use:

Bollinger Bands (set to 20MA and +/- 2 standard deviations)...

20MA, 50MA, 100MA, and 200MA... Occasionally others like 5MA and 8MA...

RSI (set to 14)...

MACD (set to 12, 26, 9)...

Slow Stochastics (14, 3, 3)...

I look for convergences and divergences between Stochastics/ MACD/ and PPS...

Accumulation and Distribution...


Candlestick charts, both daily and weekly... Occasionally intraday, usually 30 minutes if I do so...

I look for trend lines, and build a wedge between the upper and lower trend lines, looking for a squeeze...

I also look for support and resistance points...

I occasionally look for patterns... I am not a huge patterns guy though... But I do use them, and they do work occasionally...

I love looking for crosses (MAs crossing)...

I've dabbled with Fib Fans, and they seem powerful for prediction...

That's my prime game... I try to look for correlations between indications, I like confirmation using multiple tools...

I also don't really mess with stop losses or any of that... I look for confirmation signs before making moves usually... I sacrifice a little profits for confirmation of an event occurring...

I don't flip AMFE... AMFE is my long term play... But I do flip elsewhere fairly successfully...

I do use fundamentals for long term plays, I am less likely to use fundamentals for short term plays, like stocks I flip... If something has good fundamentals, it I watch it for long term investing potential...

You must know a few rules about TA... 1.) around holidays, politically significant days, company news, market significant days, TA is not always accurate and should be used cautiously around then... 2.) TA is not about predicting the future, it is about predicting the possibilities, and assigning odds to each possibility for occurring, and projecting the possibility with the highest odds has greatest chance to occur, this is typically your prediction...

In my opinion, charts absolutely do work in the OTC...

Let me pose a question... What key indications lead people to buy stock shares anywhere?

1.) Fundamentals/ News
2.) Chart technicals
3.) Both 1 and 2 combined
4. ........Anything else?

In the OTC, where 99% of fundamentals suck.... What does that leave behind?

Chart technicals

Fundamentals can still be followed, but knowing 99% of the OTC IS crap, most who elect to play in this playground accept they're playing in a wasteland of fundamentals... Most don't even pay fundamentals in the OTC any attention at all, because most fundamentals here suck... And of those thst are "good fundamentals", many are lies... So it is a complete sifting effort to find gold here fundamentally... And generally speaking, fundamentals are for long term investing practices (obviously what's good long term can also be used short term too)...

So, if fundamentals are no good in the OTC, and players within the OTC accept that, then the vast majority are ignoring fundamentals.... Leaving charts and technicals to guide them... This is why lost OTC plays are momentum plays... No one hangs around to invest long term... It's "identify a good play" using a chart, get in, get out for quick profit, move on, repeat...

I argue charts work BEST in the OTC even, because most players who play the OTC use them... Truth is, nothing is 100% accurate... NOTHING.... Charts and technicals are only as good as those who use them... The reality is, charts are self fulfilling prophecies... And if you can understand that, then you are golden...

What I mean is, if I said "every time you see an "xyz pattern", the stock price is about to go up... Then obviously the smart thing to do if you trust that, is to buy as you see the first signs of an "xyz pattern"... If everyone believes this "xyz pattern" means the price is going up, then everyone buys in as soon as they see it... And everyone's buying in causes the price to go up... So, truth is the pattern did indicate the price would rise, but the price rose because everyone bought in, because the saw the pattern... Self fulfilling prophecy... This creates momentum plays, and this is why most penny stocks rise and fall just as fast... Even stocks with no news and terrible fundamentals rise and fall... Because of the technicals, and those who follow them...

Because fundamentals don't really exist in most of the OTC, and you can't trust half of what you see here anyways, most look for patterns.... The more who play the technicals, the better they work... Which is why the OTC is the best place for using charts... IF YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING!!!

I've proven this since I've been here... I started posting on the OMVS board around early/ mid November, 2017... And I called out my predictions and noted each time that I was STRICTLY following the technicals, and not any source of fundamentals... So far I have been EXTREMELY accurate, and you can even go back and review the game film, read my previous posts and see how right I was... All based on technicals...

Sure, nothing is 100%... I might see an "xyz pattern" no one else saw, and so I play it alone, and since no one else played it, the price didn't go anywhere... Sometimes technicals are read into differently by different people... Example, a triple bottom pattern is a bullish pattern, but to get a triple bottom you must first have a double top pattern, which is a bearish pattern... Sometimes different interpretations conflict and cause a mess... But that is true everywhere, not just the OTC...

Infact, chart technicals work many places even outside the stock market... Just the other day my wife was showing me a fitness app she uses, and it tracked her weight... A upwards flag pattern appeared on the apps chart regarding her weight, and then it plunged... The upwards flag pattern is a bearish pattern... It usually signals a plunge... Charting is used in science, and elsewhere outside of financial stuff... It's also used for FOREX, etc...

The more who use charts, the more accurate they are, because the more who react to specific patterns and milestones, and those reactions create what the expected results are.... Your job is to identify it as early as possible, get in safely as early as possible, and get out with profits...

Charts work great more than not for me here in the OTC... Anyone who says otherwise is just bad with them perhaps...

Also note, charts real purpose is not to predict the future... That's a misuse of charts people don't get, then say charts don't work... The data is ultimately random, charts work because of 2 main reasons... As my last post covered, people using them fulfill the chart prophecies, and the 2nd reason is, market making algorithmic software used by market makers... Which is totally primarily based on technicals because that's what gets programmed into the algorithms...

What charts are SUPPOSE TO BE used for is not predicting the future, but instead identifying different possible scenarios that can play out based on fluid random data, and assigning odds to each scenario... Then usually the scenario with the greatest chance of playing out is the one acted upon... But always do so safely... For me, safety is looking for confirmations... If you see the makings of a breakout coming, you can buy in early to catch it all at a risk it doesn't breakout.... Or I await confirmation first and then buy at the sacrifice of a little bit of potential profits... Some teach to use stop losses, etc... To me that's all garbage... But to each their own...

Also note the data as mentioned is random and fluid, so nothing can be 100% accurate in projecting it... But it is also noteworthy to mention holidays, significant political events, news, etc. can effect a stock price regardless what any chart says something is going to do, and it is advised people ignore the charts or play with caution around these events... Charts can be misleading if you don't know when to ignore them as well...

Just got to know the rules... Then charts work amazingly well...

Usually keeping it simple works best... And I feel the generic settings work best...