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01/12/18 2:16 PM

#153124 RE: sharpie510 #153123

No they told me how many shares I am holding till Dec 9 in all my brokerage accounts as well and they took my vote.


01/12/18 2:59 PM

#153137 RE: sharpie510 #153123

No - I just own open market shares and got the same email as Marzan.


01/14/18 10:03 AM

#153322 RE: sharpie510 #153123

I also received the email from Dan Niebler. I responded with an inquiry as to why the increase in the share authorization was not included on the agenda for the ASM that is necessary for the Series B holders to be able to convert. Dan responded, "This will likely take place at a Special Meeting in the future." I have a good mind to respond to the request for a proxy with "you will likely get my proxy at sometime in the future!" I am truly miffed.