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01/10/18 8:02 PM

#119936 RE: Gailm #119935


1. Biel is not on the FDA radar. Umm yeah that changed February 21th 2014

2. Biel will never get FDA Clearance. Umm yeah, yes they did.

3. Biel will never get NHS Clearance. Umm, yes they did.

4. Biel Actipatch is a placebo. Umm NHS and FDA put that to rest.

5. Biel Actipatch is a “GIZMO”. Umm NHS and FDA put that to rest.

6. Biel will go Bankrupt. 8 Years and still here.

7. Biel will be Reverse splitting. Heard it for 8 years and nope, not till profitable.

8. Biel will be Halted. Umm, nope ZERO chance. Used for years.

9. Biel is just a Tens unit. Umm, nope is removes pain and heals on the cellular level.

10. Biel is only Adjunctive. Umm, as in apply with a band-aids, or after icing perhaps.

11. Biel has MASSIVE DUMPING. Umm, no the buys way outnumber the sells.

12. Biel will never be in stores in America. Umm, they are now in stores in AMERICA and will be in a lot more.

Please read my linked post, if nothing else at least it amused me.


01/10/18 8:05 PM

#119937 RE: Gailm #119935

Forgot that one, Will add it to-my-list-as #13

Just more BS information.




01/10/18 8:07 PM

#119938 RE: Gailm #119935

Could help me with some more false claims

about Biel too so that I can add them to the list too.


Got Some??

Better get some!!

Slap the ASK!!


01/10/18 10:24 PM

#119952 RE: Gailm #119935

NHs approved baby


01/10/18 10:31 PM

#119955 RE: Gailm #119935

Great to have you back Gailm. SO much is happening since you left. NHS, if you haven't heard, happened and is a HUGE catalyst towards BIEL's successful future. Good thing you're back just in time!


01/10/18 10:45 PM

#119958 RE: Gailm #119935

C Corporation baby. No one owns anything.


01/10/18 10:51 PM

#119959 RE: Gailm #119935

Man thought u would not


01/10/18 11:19 PM

#119962 RE: Gailm #119935

Wrong, BIEL did get FDA and Now NHS, Wrong again

Saturday, 12/23/17 10:17:41 AM
Re: Gailm post# 118133

Post #118140 of 119961

Let's Take a Look

"OBTW, Everything I said a year ago--turned out CORRECT ;)~!"

Wednesday, 01/04/17 11:25:27 AM
Re: None
Post #91803 of 118139

Will Actipatch get FDA approval?

I would say George Lucas and the FORCE have a better chance.

Copper bracelets, pyramids, milk weed, Dr. Slurbins liniment all stand a better chance from what I see.

The FDA has seen it all, that's their job, and they are not interested in a 60 MINUTE news special about how the FDA approves quackery.

Can you imagine the revelation on top of that, that the SEC had to fine and disgorge MILLIONS from the CEO and others on securities fraud on top of this???

Nope, this scam is fried.

Saturday, 12/23/17 02:09:08 AM
Re: None

Post #118133 of 119961


All the BS about this ActiScab making a revolution in pain therapy, and the FDA CLEARANCE is the only event that will EVER happen. The FDA clearance to put the GIZMO OTC, bumped the stock, momentarily and promptly it crashed--again.

5's, 4's, 3's 2's and back to last years levels.

The Hocus Pocus doesn't work, anyone with a high school Physics course could tell you and the product is a complete fail-- pity the poor people desperate for relief buying this POS patch once.

I get it Andy and his daughter Kelly are FRAUDS and the science is fiction, but the following of 5-10-15 and now 20 years? Are you kidding me? 20 years and nothing??????

Its becoming a sickness and the OTC, FINRA and the NASD need to clean up these Pinks and sub penny scams.


OBTW, Everything I said a year ago--turned out CORRECT ;)~!


01/11/18 10:13 AM

#119982 RE: Gailm #119935

No, you should have started with NHS approval, for what you deemed as "Gizmo's" yes the FDA acceptance and NHS have proven all the untruths that have been posted. The Annual Report is nothing more than kindling for it means nothing at this point in time. Misleading garbage continues to be posted even though it gets tossed out over and over.


01/11/18 10:33 AM

#119988 RE: Gailm #119935

>>>"IF IT FAILS".....<<<

Now, I would assume that is somewhat MUCH LESS of a possibility than when this was threatened SO MANY times in the 'old days'. We heard over and over again about 'failure' and BK. Seems that the allowance to sell products in UK , Canada and NOW USA, lightens that threat to almost zero. Perhaps that threat should be now be removed from one's personal arsenal of negatives to post here. Stick with our CEO's mumbling, bumbling and lack of communication skills, because the farther we get along this road (USA FULL CLEARANCE) that might be the only negative left to use. When we get profitable, I cannot wait to hear what will be dug up and spewed then!