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The Penny Preacher

01/10/18 5:15 PM

#20891 RE: Surwin #20889

It is not necessary to hack blockchain. In the first place it is going to self-destruct due to overwhelming demand it makes upon the electric grid. The death knell has already sounded on Blockchain.

And in the second place, the hackers do not need to hack blockchain. All they need to do is hack the system that USES and stores the account information.

It is the same issue that exists with SSL/PKI. No hacker with any sense actually tries to HACK into data protected by any of the existing security algorithms using a brute force frontal attack. They do not need to. All they need to do is wait for the data to be decrypted BY THE USER so that it can be moved, copied, transmitted, stored or otherwise put into motion IN THE OPEN, and they can capture all of it they want.

For more information watch this video

From Bitcoin To Hashgraph: The Crypto Revolution - Hidden Secrets Of Money Ep 8 - Mike Maloney