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01/10/18 1:30 AM

#136906 RE: nidan7500 #136904

I have been mentioning this issue for many months as have some others.

It was first discussed when Adriana was announced.

What Xena said is true. For 2-73 there appear to be other variables in play that affect 2-73 blood concentrations. We do know from the data that those individuals with high blood levels do best. What is not yet apparent is why dose and blood levels are not strongly correlated.

The data is there in the presentations that the company has put out. Or at least some data is there.

It's a big deal. Right now, as far as the company has told us, they don't understand why some people have higher blood concentrations and others don't.

The IV data is particularly revealing to me in that regard. IV bypasses the gut and all the variables related to microbiome etc. because it is injected directly into the blood stream. Even so, there is a huge variation in blood concentrations from one individual to another. That means there are things going on that are unexpected. Could be antibodies that some people have that others don't. Could be one of a thousand different things. The point is that what ever the factor or factors are, they have a big impact on whether 2-73 is going to work for an individual or not.

Whatever the factors are, they could be the difference between having 6 super responders out of 29 and having 20 super responders. If they are understood and can be compensated for then 2-73 will help many more people.