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01/08/18 2:44 PM

#119576 RE: Lurch16 #119575

Wrong...Case is still just as alive and well as of today. NOTHING has changed. Investors hope so, but as of today it has not. So its all very very very relevant to the future and hardships on the way for BIEL and its officers. Add in a 19 Billion share float(absurd), the CEO using the company as his own personal ATM, it remains in the SECs cross-hairs. He allowed friends and family to take advantage of shareholders as well. All in the indictment.

Latest is of BIEL trying to extend for 30 days, which was denied and Judge gave them a week only, as feels its dragging on too much. See for yourself.

Go through the case and see where the CEO states HIMSELF, that the results of these findings by the SEC would likely hurt the companies chances to remain in business. Not to mention the SECs HALTING of the ticker.

Its all there.