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01/06/18 10:36 AM

#123723 RE: Sheepdog #123722

Now that Ole Doc Anderson has delivered on all 2017 Deals and Dividends.
I would probably have to change my Name for lack of credibility If I where to claim Day after Day Ole Doc Anderson wasn't going to get these things done and we would not see the first divvy let alone the Second or S1 or the 211 or the Superstore and Ole Doc was a Scammer and Professional liar. Then he gets them all done just Like He Has with 2 more dividends now besides UNGS GCC Super Store, GCC Divvy, S1 Registration and Ole Doc Anderson Proved me Wrong Time after Time Day after Day with Deal after Deal.
If I said all these things believing misinformation and Ole Doc Anderson proved me wrong,
Would that make me a Liar?

I don't know much about our digital currency Divvy. but I'm learning! It's suppose to fix the shorting problem in the market.

Why would MM's not fill buy orders when they are showing shares for sale?
Check out the daily naked shorts:

Ole Doc Anderson has figured out what shorts don't like and that is dividends.
Why because If the shorts don't cover they will be responsible for that dividend.
I hope Ole Doc Anderson spins-off Dozens of them. One thing is for sure shorts hate dividends and Our next one After E2. The TTech Saw looks awesome
Actions Speak Louder than Words and while Doc Anderson does not have control over FINRA or SEC delays.
Ole Doc Anderson has Delivered and Got UNGS current got us our GCC Super Store, GCC divvy, and S1 Registration which the SEC accepted and Made Effective and he will deliver on these other Divvies Too. The E2 divvy is in the Bag and soon will be in our account.T-Tech will soon follow!
Ole Doc Anderson is Batting 5 for 5 so far this year with more on the way.
I can't wait for Ole Doc Duck Duck Goose Anderson to lay me another Golden Egg!
Good Luck and Happy Trading!