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02/14/19 4:12 PM

#11874 RE: eaglesurvivor #11416

easglesurvivor, it's been a while. Please update us on your projects.



03/17/19 12:47 PM

#11913 RE: eaglesurvivor #11416

Liebig's Law in Motion

In the previous discussion we tried to define Liebig’s Law of Minimums in a way that would be of practical use to a grower. “A chain is only as strong as its weakest link” is a popular way of stating this concept. In this discussion we will expand on the application of this concept and try to determine how it can help a grower to make better decisions concerning fertility choices, while remembering that the “law of the minimum” is much more concept than law, especially when it comes to biology.

Plants and animals will always try to overcome deficiencies in order to survive (and thrive if possible). Animals do this by expanding their feeding range – plants, by extending their root system.