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07/02/01 3:30 PM

#1023 RE: Bird of Prey #1022

Could you guys be any MORE boring???

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07/02/01 4:00 PM

#1025 RE: Bird of Prey #1022

Well you do know what they say about people with short attention spans don't you?...something something Lack of intelligence something...

Speaking of intelligence the 41-year-old child speaks of lesser intellect while he sits and plays Dungeons and Dragons with his little friends’ ages 10-to adult. The beer belly overhanging his 'Big Man' denim jeans as the years of candy and donut holes combined with the extreme lack of exercise have taken toll on his figure. Playing his favorite game War hammer, fantasies of saving the princess with his big 100-ton mechanical war machine run feverishly through his diminutive brain. An O so Obvious phallic symbol, as the food he eats substitutes for the lack of female contact. Pocket protectors and Cheesy Puff stained fingers ensure his continued loneliness.

The parking lot is no good for you. Go back to your board games, as the fantasies they contain are your only solace for living. Here you will only continue to receive the shame and ridicule your life’s aspiration has offered you. Now be gone insolent one! Your head has dented my scepter and your blood has stained my boots.

BTW 7-11 is having a sale on chilidogs and coke. Better run out quick so you wont be late for your gaming convention.

Paule Walnuts