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Bird of Prey

07/02/01 3:40 PM

#1024 RE: NullModem #1023

My point exactly!
He takes forever and comes up with grade school taunts. I expected much more from KING OF THE PARKING LOT. At least some kind of challenge. Oh well 'tis an unimportant title anyway, made more so by it's self appointed...king?

David Weed
aka the Bird of Prey


07/02/01 4:07 PM

#1026 RE: NullModem #1023

Ah yes Mr. Who’s who himself. How many people you going to sue this week? I am so glad you could grace us with your well written and extremely humble opinion of what people do with a little extra free time.

Go pull the stick out of your ass will ya.

Paule Walnuts