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01/03/18 3:32 PM

#502671 RE: ron_66271 #502669

Yes, past tense, because it is the template form which WMIH must use and send to the Escrow Agent AFTER a (potential) future QA

They only have to fill in the correct date and nothing else...



01/03/18 3:34 PM

#502672 RE: ron_66271 #502669

RON you WOULD PUT THAT in a template so that when it BECAME A REALITY it would be addressing it in the past tense THAT IT HAS HAPPENED/Taken place.

Surely you don't believe they would let this slip out and NOT PUT OUT an 8K, even if they are covered under being outside of NASDAQ requirements

RON come on really? you are very good at what you do, BUT you get tunnel vision on every thing you bring forth.........Take the blinders off and you'd see a template for a Q&A would have to be written IN IN IN the PAST TENSE