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12/26/17 6:23 PM

#118243 RE: WHELANer #118240

Yes I saw that BigStick.
I will check them out to learn more...
You know something? Actipatchs work great! I literally have 3 on my right arm and shoulder this very minute. Hurt myself in the gym a month ago and apparently I don’t heal like I’m 20 anymore.
The dang product works! If it wasn’t for our rotten corrupt gypsy flim flam family scammers, this thing would be a Billion dollar company already. But instead we have ANDY. Probably the dumbest CEO of all time. He’s no better than a flea market army surplus vendor. Has zero clue on how to Git r done. Oh he figured out how to sell shares and keep the gypsy family together...but now he’s got the SEC hot on his ole ass. I hope they Throw the book at this scamming POS


12/26/17 7:13 PM

#118246 RE: WHELANer #118240

Iviv launched sofpulse in 2005.
Allergan ordered 20k sofpulse from them.

Wasn’t the right time for market acceptance I guess.

What year did actipatch launch? I remember wearing one nearly 10 years ago.
Of course they both had 501k clearance at the time BUT as we know BIEL has t resubmit again and again as the FDA changed and would not grant clearance. So I’m assuming that sofpulse has not resubmitted for clearance under current new category...?
What about the patents? how is this not a cease and desist from BiEL (sorry if not proper jargon)?