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08/27/03 10:57 PM

#8118 RE: aleajactaest #8114

AJE - pot meet kettle?

this dude, Moe-Ron poses a question about how the proxy stated (paraphrasing) that Wave "lost its biggest customer" and "that's why the need to increase the shares."

not gonna do a blow-by-blow of all the reasons that i believe "Ron" posted that message to foment doubt...

been around message boreds for about 7 years & have seen many techniques from pumpers & bashers.

brand new ID.

"My Dad just called me..."


like howeird, i could be wrong, but i've seen enough stuff on boreds to spot BS in a heartbeat.

"Ron" did not post a genuine message.

i assume you've read the proxy.

my only "targets" are liars (something that cuts both ways btw), HhH fer fun & sport & Trance for obvious reasons.

have my posts deleted if you want...