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12/20/17 8:28 AM

#10365 RE: DD_dempsey #10360

excellent post DD


12/20/17 8:52 AM

#10367 RE: DD_dempsey #10360

Hoping we break .02 soon.I agree.With this tiny float, A .08 to .10 is not out of the pot.With all the crazy crap stocks that run to 1.00. and 140$ per share like LFIN the other day.What is .10 for PMPG??nothing.if you compare.For the heck of it i bought 50 and sold it within 30 minutes.Not a good move.The same day later goes to 140$ per share.I was like F.
But if the 50 shares were 1,000 shares.I would be pissed off big time.
let's see what happens today on out PMPG.BTW some of the millions you saw on the bid.Was me.

12/18/2017 07:36:37 Bought 50 LFIN @ 36.9

12/18/2017 08:03:07 Sold 50 LFIN @ 40


Almost A Myth

12/20/17 4:47 PM

#10413 RE: DD_dempsey #10360

Thanks for that DD post. My DD journey into $PMPG just started here yesterday.

There was a video I watched on Satic and that was intriguing, but now I'm getting the impression there might be something even bigger on the horizon.