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12/19/17 3:54 PM

#149983 RE: sentiment_stocks #149981

Great post thanks


12/19/17 3:59 PM

#149984 RE: sentiment_stocks #149981

My interpretation hasn't changed since the share price was 85 cents.

Anybody who follows L&L will be led to financial ruin.

I've stayed mostly quiet here because there are some longs who finally get it.

It's OK to believe in the science but almost all of the potential upside is gone due to dilution, this is not IMO this is a fact.


12/19/17 4:10 PM

#149991 RE: sentiment_stocks #149981

how is this offering allowing me to buy in. I am not well healed enough to be that investor who would be classified as one who is allowed to invest per SEC rules & regulations? It is only for the big boys again, am I wrong with this?


12/19/17 4:11 PM

#149992 RE: sentiment_stocks #149981

, now there are another 43.5 million shares

Where does that number come from? The say they expect 5.5M Series B, which would be another 110M shares plus warrants.

For those keeping score at home, that makes the totals:

310M shares end of Q3 [per 10-Q]
230M potentially dilutive shares end of Q3 [per 10-Q]
163M shares and warrants to Cognate [per 10-Q]
67M employee options [per 10-Q]
141M Series A shares + warrants [per 8K 2 weeks ago]
110M Series B shares and warrants [per today's PR]
1.02 Billion fully diluted share count.


12/19/17 4:28 PM

#150002 RE: sentiment_stocks #149981

Hi Senti, your calculations are way off and total share count is now at 1 billion. It looks like management considers asking long term holders to further dilute their holdings is positive news. There continued silence apart from dilution after dilution these last couple of months is not something to be cheering on or spinning as a positive. Why they continually refuse to notify their investors of anything concrete and instead ask them to dip into hard earned money to further dilute cannot be spun as a positive. It looks like all long term investors are going to be strung along into the New Year and beyond as any hope of news between now and the New Year is obviously truly wishful thinking. They have sent each and everyone on this board a bag of coal for Xmas and burdened them with additional stress through the New Year. They are obviously happy as they scamper off with loaded pockets.


12/19/17 4:41 PM

#150007 RE: sentiment_stocks #149981

Do you think the shorts are celebrating, Senti? LP just gave them a Christmas bonus. LP and LG are literally the best thing the shorts could have ever hoped for with this company. You've heard me say it before, but I'll say it again. The shorts and the CEO have both made off like bandits through this financing vehicle. I truly hope that she reverse splits or starts another public company. Knowing what I now know, I would absolutely love another opportunity to "invest" in the performance of this management team.


12/19/17 5:29 PM

#150032 RE: sentiment_stocks #149981

Restricting the offering to accredited investors is not exactly egalitarian. I get why they have to but you're not talking about rank and file investors you're talking : outsider rich people vs insider rich people.

That is not really egalitarian in but a sense so relative that it makes a mockery of the term.

The only way to serve the interest of all shareholders equally would be for NWBO to set forth real milestones and commit to meeting them so that the share price could appreciate naturally and help make the dilution less painful and show good faith up front that might make them willing to throw their "widows mite" into averaging down.

Pairing this announcement with some truly tangible news that would let investors read between the lines on other matters in a non-self-delusional way would also have helped, even if it was not as good as finally setting down immovable milestones.

Ordinary white collar and blue collar working investors are unlikely to ever even reach accredited investor status by conventional investing unless it is at the end of the their careers, in which case, buying a product like that offered is unsuitable.


12/20/17 4:49 AM

#150144 RE: sentiment_stocks #149981

I thought about this why there is no +ve spin post around this dilution. There we go we have one!!

Simple Question, why can't go for DILUTION after throwing us some solid bone? why now again after recent raise of $12M?

This has become a Pattern for LP, Don't ask the preview just pay for movie.....
Moreover why to participate in the offering when you can buy below $.23

Believe me I am long but turning my view ...enough is enough!!