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12/15/17 10:41 PM

#74637 RE: PickItToWin #74635

THIS IS WHAT I HAVE BEEN SAYING FOR THE LONGEST. this person is very clueless on how the market and/or business ethics work. every day is some new crap, which is why i begged him on monday to not post at all for the rest of the week. he is making this board look idiotic while the stock is not moving


12/15/17 10:54 PM

#74639 RE: PickItToWin #74635

Demand is a good problem to have


12/16/17 12:03 AM

#74641 RE: PickItToWin #74635

Time to take it back to fundamentals. Study supply vs. Demand. Pay close attention to WDRP. You will learn something. $WDRP