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12/15/17 6:16 PM

#20949 RE: PennyStalker #20945

We could sure use some truth and transparency here.

Did we start the IR campaign to help the seller(s) unload their shares?

Over the last 12 months just when we start to make some progress a seller pops up almost as if it's all a coordinated/ orchestrated plan to help those sellers sell shares.

At what point do investors say enough is enough, walk away and cut their loses. Many have unfortunately.

I've always believed a HUGE deal could get signed at any moment but can nFusz deliver that deal? I've been waiting 12 months and watched a dozen other stocks go up 5,10 and 20 times only to be scratching my head in bewilderment with nFusz's strategy and choices made.

The CEO now says invest because of the technology but where is it? Where's our WALKOUTS? Where's our cool new website?
Where's our ambassadors Nick Cannon and Frank Thomas?

Nick Cannon was one of the reasons I initially invested but we've had 10+ months of complete silence from the company on him.

We get delay after delay and new private placement after private placement with the promise everything is coming but I only see more financing deals and NO REVENUES.

One day, one day it will happen, we're so close but are we really?

We keep saying just a few more months, and nFusz will be cash positive with tons of revenue coming in. After a year of setbacks who really believes that's going to happen still?

What's more likely to happen?
1. A big revenue deal and nFusz is cash positive? Or

2. No revenue but more private placements?

Why do we continue to have these on going sellers?

Why aren't they long term investors and believer's in the company.

I've seen so many red flags here and have ignored them for over a year now.

Will this investment make us all MILLIONAIRES or make us regret we ever found this OTC company.