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12/14/17 4:22 PM

#117692 RE: pearsby09 #117689

Usually they arrive in 2-3 days,this might be a busy season because of Christmas.Actipatch has helped me a lot with shoulder pain which has completely healed, now I use it for hip pain and it helps me with walking and I am able to walk more and travel longer distances by foot now so I can get more walking in good luck.


12/15/17 1:03 AM

#117723 RE: pearsby09 #117689

I ordered 3 last week they were here in 5 days!
They work

Go biel

Back surgery l5s1 in 14' and I get 100% relief when I need it from actipatch. Also I am prolly the first to use actipatch on my head before anyone for severe headaches. Guess what it cleared each one within minutes.

Proof is in the pudding , try and see
Good luck
Merry Christmas


12/15/17 5:12 AM

#117726 RE: pearsby09 #117689

I believe the days of one-off, promised fair assessments are distant memories, what with well over a million ActiPatches sold. It works, an overwhelming percentage says so, the FDA says so, but enjoy your trial device when you do get it.

As I wrote in 117417, I still don’t understand why you say you were a shareholder in 2012; that you’ve been doing due diligence on the device since July; and only bought the 7 day trial device instead of going whole hog on the 30 bucks for the 720 hour device, in your latest assessment as to whether to invest or not. I admire your very cautious approach........It works, some experiments taking longer that others. Many have experienced amazing efficacy wearing the device 24/7 for a few weeks. ......