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12/14/17 1:51 PM

#265 RE: gfp927z #263

Well I was in the same boat. One of those guys "I almost bought 20 BTC back in 2015 at $190 each" buuut literally just was too lazy/didnt put in the effort.

Whatever though. LITECOIN to the moon. I missed the Ripple train though. Still think XEM looks promising.

At this point you could almost just put like 50 or 100 bucks into each "penny stock" crypto and see where it goes. Worst case you lose $1000 or whatever, best case talking 6 figure gains!

I will be rebalacing my portfolio tonight to add exposure to smaller market caps. It just sucks I personally don't have a way to easily trade remotely. Gotta be at the home PC. So if something rallies at work I gotta leave early or wait to sell.