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12/13/17 12:20 PM

#793 RE: bar1080 #791

my Dad read everything he could get his hands on...watched all the stock channels plus did some charting BY HAND believe it or..But before he invested he made sure he knew a lot about the company and followed it for a while before making a decision.

Bottom line, he was much older and in a company that did not provide a pension...

And so while I would work numbers at home at night 1500 miles away to see what I could afford in order to have them move in with me, he was busy raking up more than he could spend and provided easily for both him and my Mom until they passed away...I was pleasantly shocked...Now if he would have shared that info with me and had me follow him, I'd have been a very wealthy person...


God Bless him.


10/12/18 2:05 PM

#1074 RE: bar1080 #791

I hear you...

THNX for sharing that...
Buffet - besides if he doesn't like what is happening to a company.....well...he can just buy it and change it! LOL

I see his name still popping up all over the place on different signs on businesses. :>)

Wonder what the effect on the market will be if and when he ever decides to retire, or gets ill?

I am sure he will leave things, and most likely already has, in good hands in order to continue his legacy...But it is going to be very different.

Meanwhile, me and my BA shares aren't going anywhere. This one is not done.