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12/12/17 12:08 AM

#133883 RE: nidan7500 #133881

Yes on its face, there seems to be no clear dichotomy/difference between the positive preclinical testing results of MS and PD for our a2-73 compound.

Both a2-73 indications have had simultaneous testing occurring with highly respected 3rd party labs, with each indication’s comparably positive testing results reported this Fall within days of each other at scientific conferences.

With Anavex providing positive preclinical efficacy p/r’s on each indication’s results.

YET, only one indication, PD, has a publicized ph2 study in the works and its name/progress bar on the official Anavex pipeline chart.


A logical POSSIBLE explanation would appear to be a request/requirement by Biogen (perhaps by virtue of the MTA and/or other POSSIBLE negotiations???).

Otherwise shouldn’t we expect Dr M to place MS back on our pipeline chart and announce our own clinical trial plans for MS relatively soon?

Why else would they wait if not for Biogen/other potential partner discussions for MS? Remyelination (as explained by Talon38) is one of the primary focuses (Holy Grail) of Biogen’s MS lab research efforts (see talon’s prior posts).

Clearly speculation & conjecture on my part. GLTAL


12/12/17 12:36 AM

#133885 RE: nidan7500 #133881

Definitely something in the works for MS with Biogen....patience will be rewarded!


12/12/17 12:51 AM

#133888 RE: nidan7500 #133881

I think Dr. M is doing a remarkable job considering all the things he is dealing with.