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12/09/17 8:53 AM

#130003 RE: Monksdream #130002

..... it could very mean the end is near for this imaginary currency.

The highlighted term says it all for me.


12/09/17 9:44 AM

#130004 RE: Monksdream #130002

During the dotcomm bubble I was a financial analyst and ended up being asked to prepare documents based on my analysis of potenetial JVC partners, buyout targets etc for the company I worked for. But I was now being asked to look at tech companies specifially in the telco sector. My previous roles invovled the basic. EPS with decades of benchmarks to measure companies against. Brick and morter companies - I was now looking at companies with quarter losses suprassing $10 Million and often way way more. I truly didnt get it and was really befuddled. I didnt even knoiw what to prepare for documentation and commentary.

I was a big skeptic of the dotcom bubble but when I finally threw all common sense out the window and started trading anything that moved I did very well as I ended up having my firm sold and was on my own for a year LOL. sadly I didnt see the end of the bubble quick enough and gave back most of my huge gains.

On Bitcoin again I am at a loss. Yes they yake a whole shot load of computing to create a coin. Sounds like an online computer game to me. I also dont get how they cap the # of coins and prevent theft and forgery because I dot get it,. I am terribly bearish on bitcoin and will watch Monday as options open for trading. I may buy some puts. I may just watch. I have set aside Monday for the entire day to watch it. First time in years i have decicated a whole day to the financial markets. I am predicting a massive bubble burst at some point BUT as I havs stated recently you can find a post on a bitcoing board from 2013 or 2014 when I was also terribly bearish on botcoin as it surged over $500.

janice shell

12/09/17 4:02 PM

#130010 RE: Monksdream #130002

Online trading firms mushroomed at that time. The ads promoted the notion that the little guy could outperform the experts.

And they still do...