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12/09/17 1:16 PM

#137892 RE: gorgol #137874

Of course, the simplest explanation could be that there are ongoing negotiations for game changing contracts.

Brommages’ words gave the hint to that effect. For them to announce anything before there is ink on paper would create a rumour cycle that they would constantly have to speak to.

There’s something called quiet confidence.

Seems to me, from all that’s been said here lately, that February is a critical month. Not only will the quarterlies be out, but the time frame for the power upgrade is focused on that month, annnnd the expiration date on an important agreement occurs.

I keep going back to the same facts that convinced me to put my money down. The company is now market ready. VOLUME market ready. Everything along the supply chains is ready. Clients who have been priming for this day are now ready.

Depending upon how much weight is ascribed to the expiring Apple agreement, we might not hear anything until the day after it’s expiration date.

Brommage opened a can of worms with the statement he made about clients being ready to move forward. When the next quarterlies come out, he’ll have to speak that statement in some manner.

If you’re the paranoid type who believes this might be a scam stock, or if you are a long time holder, then it may be difficult to believe the importance of words when uttered by a company that has stated its desire to get back to the NASDAQ. You may not have to be as careful as Janet Yellen, but once you start playing the forward guidance game, then you better deliver.

So, there will be game changing news. Some time between now and Feb. 7, 2018.

How long that news takes to land is only relevant to your gut check ability to see how low the price can go.

The next 60 days will be your last opportunity to own cheap shares in this space age rocket machine.

The week after Christmas is often the bottom for penny stocks that cycle.

We will see bottom by December 31. January could be rough for some and could trigger panics before the quarterlies.

Of course, news could be released any time before Feb.

All of this is of course humblest of opinion, but I’ve been known to be right about things once or twice in my life.

My mistake with this stock was buying in one quarterly, too early. The price I paid for that mistake is that I could have had many more shares for my money if I had waited a few more months to invest.

In my opinion, when I’m older and wiser, that will be the only mistake I made with this stock.