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12/08/17 6:37 PM

#159656 RE: TrendSeeker #159648

I'm neither a lawyer or someone deeply involved in the alcohol business. But I've done some general research, which obviously you should as well.

After Prohibition ended the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT imposed a 3 tier system.

As you should know, federal law trumps state law. Thus the states adopt these rules in addition to whatever additional ones they wish to impose (grocery can't sell wine in NY, no private liquor stores in NC, after micro breweries make X number of barrels of beer they are FORCED to sell through a distributor (big legal wranglings going on in NC about that right now), and on and on).

I took the time to actually try to find some official documentation as an example, and found that PDF from Montana. Chances are 99% of the rules are the same in every state.

I've provided links, education, and real tangible proof for you. Please attempt to expend similar energy performing your own research and education.

You could probably kill 2 birds with 1 stone by simply walking into a Publix and talking to a store manager. They could easily educate you about everything you ever wanted to know about their relationship with their distributor, of they can get refunds, exchanges, sell on consignment, and whatever other questions you genuinely want to find answers for.