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12/08/17 9:44 AM

#38851 RE: StevenRisk #38849

I really haven't had the time to slice and dice and as all past deals made by WW there may be a way to convert before the three years and dilution is still dilution... so... It's all about revenues!!! Show us the numbers and I'll have a better idea. I will say that if they do raise the $3M - remember, nothing has been bought yet- its a good sign that someone has faith in getting paid back and making a profit. However, a share price increase even to just $1.50 will pay the investors off nicely.

As always with these guys, its a waiting game. No new blood attracted yet by this news so it's evidently not a game changer. I'm staying with what I've accumulated over the past couple of weeks and waiting for signs of life.