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12/07/17 3:34 PM

#12835 RE: Biotech Pharmer #12834

Thanks for the update. Most of us can read, BTW.


12/07/17 4:23 PM

#12837 RE: Biotech Pharmer #12834

Yep - he'll need cash soon enough and the spiral continues...those 15 cent candied-warrants backfired on him. Mr. Market saying no way in hell are those 1 years getting exercised. I can't blame Mr. Market. Wish this guy would put some passion behind learning how to under promise and over deliver as he has it backwards. (sigh)

PPS could get killed with a guidance miss coupled with more dilution. Guy needs to take some ownership of his words and actions already

** Only hope now is that the country of Peru joins the other 137 and signs a distribution deal w/ INNV! HUGE