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Casino Kid,
Have you covered your short position?
AYTU is having a big volume day due to news of Sterling Medical Devices and its association with AYTU.
Mederna received 468 Mil from BARDA and we get slander from Citron with the subsequent daily multiple Class Action Lawsuit ads. Please join to contact INO & recommend that they take legal action against Citron. The irony in all of this is Citron’s false & slanderous accusations caused Investors to lose higher PPS levels.
Mederna received 468 Mil from BARDA and we get slander from Citron with the subsequent daily multiple Class Action Lawsuit ads. Please join to contact INO & recommend that they take legal action against Citron. The irony in all of this is Citron’s false & slanderous accusations caused Investors to lose higher PPS levels.
3/12/20 Zack recommended buy. 3/13 last 1.35.
What are shorts doing now?
Of all the stocks I am watching, aytu the only one in the green.
Now Innv and aytu getting more money from some gamblers.
Talk about being saved by the bell!
AYTU LAST $1.90 over 100 million shares traded at 12:56 EST
3/10/20 11:43 EST AYTU last $1.17 huge volume.
Cisco Kid Are you covering your short position?
INNV shareholders get about .90 in AYTU shares... they should have dumped at the bids today, lol...
Thank goodness, now this scam is done for good... Dr D is someone else's problem, lol
INNV: Merged with Aytu BioScience, Inc. (AYTU); Shareholders will receive 1.1176 shares of Aytu Bioscience, Inc. (AYTU) for each one (1) share of INNV held, plus one (1) Contingent Value Right (CVR).
FINRA deleted symbol:
Well, Innovus was a scam from the beginning, anyone who founds a company on sex lube, premature cum lube, sex enhancement lube is a damned joke!
Oh ya, I'm Innovus and I have a volume-contract with all the major porn producers, to send them 50 gallon drums of lube!
But they have plenty-of-this to sell, lol>>>
However, Dr. D's lube for investors has 617 other products selling more than $INNV's special lube....
Search for fluticare anywhere. It's out of stock, with no money to restock it, because management has to be paid first.
Fluticare is gone? SMH
Well, you do realize, that with these snake-oil, blinker-fluid style of products and with the lying management and with a dumb-merger...
Into an equally bad company, that getting to $22 dollars per share, let alone $22 dollars per share won't ever happen, even with a 1million to 1 reverse split, right?
Also, isn't it dumb that everyone thought that fluticare was going to save us and it was only sold for about 9months, never to be stocked again and no, it won't be for sale in Spring 2020 either.
Pretty sure I need this to go to $60 to break even
Maybe it's time for the tax losses selling?
Does anyone here think thee INNV share price will go from $1.15, all the way up to $22 per share without an R/S?
The reason I ask is because I would need this to be at $22 per share, just to break even.
Thank you.
LOL, I was joking, just trying to get some laughs after we all get messed over by this terrible company...
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Innovus voting on 02/13/2020.
Important Notice Regarding the Availability of Proxy Materials for the Shareholder Meeting To Be Held on February 13, 2020
We are writing to let you know that INNOVUS PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. has announced its Special Meeting of Shareholders.
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Whatever they pay for scam $INNV it will be too much... It's a flawed business model where they pay huge advertising costs, sell over priced products that don't work, and have their customers constantly leaving... If it costs 26 million dollars for 20 million dollars worth of revenue, are you making money on the 20 million dollars revenue? LOL
AYTU were supposedly paying up to $8.0MM less what they were owed? Wouldn't that be about $6.5 MM which divided by 3 MM outstanding shares would be $2.16, which divided by $0.82 (AYTU closing quote 1/22/20) would be 2.63 AYTU shares for each 1 INNV. Seems something's wrong with these numbers. Can you better explain, something likely has changed?
Lying scumbag POS. Should be dragged into the street and beaten and hung by the ankles.
Just don't be patient with lying POS CEO's on OTC's>>> like $INNV
Haha... biggest turd stock to have ever crossed my path and i got dooped. We all did. However big tax harvest sell for me. Lost about 20k but it was a big year other wise.
Bassam should be investigated and thrown in jail. I learned a lesson. Im in one other penny and when that winds up i will never touch otc again. Lesson learned. Run newbies.
Stick with a well diversified allocation class setting and stay long and strong and you will never lose in the long run.
Warren Buffet, “The stock market is a device used to transfer money from the impatient to the patient”
Think about that one board readers and live by it if you want to be a successful long term investor.
Guess you don't believe they will be bigly profitable ? Was it Bassam ?
JB, sorry to hear that, I concluded the same quite a while ago, and I believe you complimented me, perhaps consider rxmd or of course our other stock with funds if not needed. Snup
INNVD as in INNV is a type of Venereal Disease stock that causes one to lose all money!
Put market order to sell my entire position of innv. Sorry if i sink it today a little. Good luck to everyone here. Hope everyone has a happy health, prosperous 2020.
The reason AYTU did that is because of the cost (anticipated) to settle their current lawsuit.
Merger NEWS out... lmao... Aytu will retire all outstanding common stock of Innovus for an aggregate of up to $8 million in shares of Aytu common stock, less certain deductions, at the time of closing, including amounts owed from Innovus to Aytu under a promissory note (currently $1.35 million principal amount), payments to be made to warrant holders, changes in Innovus liabilities and working capital, and other adjustments. This initial consideration to Innovus common shareholders is currently estimated to consist of approximately 3.9 million shares of Aytu stock.
Wowsers... Here's the deal... 3.9 million shares of $AYTU at .92 is $3,680,000 dollars for $INNV if $AYTU doesn't drop more... If the outstanding of $INNV is still $2.76 million shares, the amount of stock INNV shareholders would get would be 1.33/share in $AYTU stock...... This is already down almost 50% from what the original deal was valued...
Good luck...
Dr.D used our investment money and the r/s money he received to pay himself, to pay the $5 million lawsuit and to pay the BOD.
Dr.D refuses to restock Fruticare.
Innovus is a joke.
A broke joke and so are we.
The merger may or may not occur, either way, all roads lead to continue failing for us an Innovus.
No one should have expected anything different from INNV management or BOD. Dr Da has and still lacks the competency to run a successful company. He works with and hires people who lack ethics and skill. If the merger goes through, I would suggest warning potential buyers of what they're getting into.
Wonder how bad the losses are piling up this quarter? Wonder if the merger has collapsed? The company has gone silent, they are bidding all time low for shares today.... If the company reports losses again and the merger is finished... back below .10 - first quarter of next year???
Was there another reverse split? Is that why it went from .80 to 1.03?
The Cisco Kid is happy. His short of INNV is one of the best shorts. if he gets out a a good price. His short sense is better than David Eihorn and James Chanos who shorted Tesla. Today. Tesla is near its all time high.
I've sold a lot of fluticisone spray, but never seen INNV's on the market, lol...
All the more reason why INNV will merge with AYTU, because AYTU is just as corrupt as INNV is.
Remember when you were all bullish on INNV and tried stocking/selling Fluticare in your store, but could not stock it for some reason? Or, am I getting you mixed up withe someone else?
Even if you wanted to sell Fluticare now, as you know, you couldn't because Dr.D keeps INNV money for himself and therefore can't make Fluticare anymore.
This is just more proof that Dr.D does not want INNV to be successful, he stocks and pushes snake oil and does not stock or push legitimate products.
As you know, INNV is just a share printing-life-style-company to support Dr.D's lavish life of luxury, a yacht, and steak and caviar daily.
$INNV merger partner $AYTU being investigated... lol
I still stick by my comment that it and Innovus are stupid.
Actually, the market is closed, so the active market makers aren't showing... sheesh...
It's really dumb that the bid is at .06 and the ask is at 2.69.