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12/05/17 5:41 PM

#147789 RE: Bored Lawyer #147775

It depends on how patient you are as an investor, and, after learning all there is to learn about this company, whether you are willing to wait to see what happens. Something is going to happen, I can assure you. When that will be only a handful of people know, but a lot of signs are signaling that big news is not too far into the future. Some people here will try to discourage you by suggesting the company is somehow negligent or malicious in withholding information when, in fact, there is nothing for them to say at this time. As someone who has spent a career in corporate communications and investor relations, I can assure you that the fastest way for a company to get into trouble is to send out press releases when there is nothing to say. There are others here who think the company is obligated to tell them everything that they personally want to know. There is no such obligation. When there is something to say, the company will tell us – of that much I am confident. There is another group on this board that is fond of accusing the CEO of only being in this venture to enrich herself at the expense of the shareholders, and that she is utilizing a wide range of illegal tactics to do so. In addition to being defamatory, these types of accusations just don't make any logical or rational sense when you think about it and consider the facts – and all of the facts are available if you care to research them. People who make such statements may be using this board because they have an ulterior agenda, so keep that in mind. I first bought a few hundred shares of this stock back in early 2014 when it was trading at almost $8 per share and I watched it passively as it tumbled and was manipulated all the way down. As far as I could tell, none of the fundamental reasons why I was persuaded to purchase this stock in 2014 had changed, but the company was now deeply in debt, delisted and barely hanging on. Depending on how much you have put up, this remains an extremely risky investment. But in regard to the product in waiting, the success of this venture looks more promising than ever. That's the risk and reward tradeoff. The fact that someone just bet $12 million to keep the concern going because they, too, believe it will succeed is an extremely positive sign, in my mind. And even as this further dilutes our shares, the expected negative effect on the share price has not occurred – yet another positive sign. Things do feel much differently than at any other stage since I have owned the stock, no question about it. In the last few weeks I have added tens of thousands of shares to my original position because I believe that good news is coming. It may not be tomorrow, but I believe it will be soon. There is no guarantee it will be good news, but I believe the odds are very much in our favor. Sit back and relax, and take all of the hyperbolic speculation on this board for what it is worth. There are a lot of smart people here who do know a great deal about the company and the product. What they share is some remarkably interesting and informative information, so soak it all in while at the same time keeping all of the speculation in context. Best of luck!