Been saying it for near a month. I've seen a lot of claims get posted on this board...with a lot of price tags. Who...from a legal representing these claims? Or is this legal team/ Board?? waiting until some crook is caught with their hand in the cookie jar (AGAIN) to claim...."it's ripe". And what are those precipitant factors/actions that are being taken to avoid the previous scenario?? Are posters informing this skeleton crew of a legal team to these claims?? And what is the plan of action...if those claims that some believe are rightfully escrows....go *poof* in the night?? De Ja Vu??
I don't get it...Escrow holders have heard NOTHING from anyone of any significance...with all due respect to some very informed and very intelligent folks on have my utmost respect... but this message board is a long way from Nate and a courtroom.
Are any of the folks "in the know" contact with some legal entity about these claims?