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ergo sum

09/29/06 2:45 AM

#1141 RE: ergo sum #1140

Two Out Of Three Ain't Bad

Janice was quite clear. She had the hots for meatloaf. “When I have a mini-MEATLOAF for dinner, I use about half a bottle of pretty hot hot sauce.”

Hopsctch fed him first.” hey pops nah not anything special today, just a stuffed meatloaf for dinner.”
I have never been a fan of meatloaf. Phil (Bullrider)
You won't like my meatloaf then Phil. Susie924
Cintrix was alone with him.” Ok, this is the MEATLOAF story - Chu will never let me live it down. One night I'm pm'ing him and said that I had a MEATLOAF in the oven. After I mentioned that within the next hour I find out my husband isn't coming home for dinner because he's playing golf, my one kid calls me from the mall and says she bought Taco Bell, and my other kid calls me from the neighbor's house asking if she can eat over their house, they were having pizza (or, as we would say, a pie). So there I was alone with my MEATLOAF and Chu making fun of me!”
Churak was confused. “and here I thought it was cause your first boyfriend was MEATLOAF and you gave him the phrase "good girls go to heaven but bad girls go everywhere" to incorporate into one of his songs...,my bad”
skeballlarry drank diest coke to insure he didn’t gain weight “Started off w/a Salad, made up ''my-way'' .... !!!(a meal in itself) ..... Two-Catfish-slabs, meatloaf .... Diet coke ...”
Matt chimed in “MEATLOAF is disgusting. .....MEATLOAF, I just loathe
lobogotti agreed “I hate MEATLOAF”
BuzzOnDaBeach requested. “REQ: MEATLOAF”
djr63 felt sorry for him “Poor Meatloaf”
He was angry but lacymarie1 confessed. “I made a mean MEATLOAF”
And when pressed on the point confessed. “OT: Damn! You didn't miss much, MEATLOAF was dry and well, I didn't make good gravy,”
Generally speaking, I don't like meatloaf either. janice shell
Drummer grilled him “I grill a mean meatloaf. :)”

[Suppressed Sound Link]


09/29/06 9:38 AM

#1142 RE: ergo sum #1140

LOL, well done.

ergo sum

09/29/06 10:53 PM

#1143 RE: ergo sum #1140

"The key is to commit crimes so confusing that police feel too stupid to even write a crime report about them."
Randy K. Milholland

Thumb twiddling. Finger tapping. Flag hoisted up the flag pole drooping a bit.
The bishop sat at his desk in the Abby. “Well Slippery I guess you’ve had your way today.” He laughed taking a chilled oyster from the tray in his fat hand and eating it. “Odd as it might seem I got some good news this afternoon about a rather large order for wool coming from abroad.”

Over at the Manor the serfs were crushing freshly harvested Pinot Noir, Pinot Meunierand, and Chardonnay grapes for the Abby, a festive and jovial task that always entertained them. Young Sam plucked at his lute and sang bawdy lascivious songs he had learned from the Goliads. Pausing now and then to munch on some sweet dates. Riddle and the Maiden Deniala slipped off to the hayloft in the barn.

Within the castle the mood swings were dramatic. Early in the day a former caravan owner insisted he could vouch for the Oracle of the Sarcophagus’ claims that everything was turning up roses. But where was the 10K Legion of reinforcements? Without that the Bastions Of Serfdom might just overwhelm the now depleted Palace Guard. A building inspector was called in because a number of people thought the Roof in the Great Hall might just cave in. He promised to have his report either this evening or by Monday. To which the Hall Keeper remarked “This should have been done yesterday.”

Later that evening a notice of delay was sent from the Commander of the Foreign Legion that in fact the 10K legionaries had all contracted legionaries disease. To which many replied “you mean those bastards have air conditioning?” A second courier followed practically on the heals of the first with a notice that Lord Bensta of Mistywood had in fact won the bean counting contest and would win the prize of a week at the stables cleaning up stalls.

In the dungeon most of the captured Basher Tribe were debating how best to undermine the bonds. Two or three of them were suggesting that if you didn’t believe in the bonds then they would not restrain you. In fact they all stood up and raising their hands n the air demonstrated that in fact their bonds did not exist. Soon all of them were free and the sappers among them began to dig. They took turns watching for the guard and when ever Col. von Luger passed by they all pretended nothing at all had changed.