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11/28/17 12:07 PM

#116599 RE: 2Relax #116598

I apologize to my fellow longs as I must be holding on to false hope and drinking to much BIEL Kool-Aid. You're starting to convince me to give up and that the glass should be seen half-empty and that p!sses me off.


11/28/17 12:34 PM

#116602 RE: 2Relax #116598

You are absolutely correct!


11/28/17 12:58 PM

#116604 RE: 2Relax #116598

WOW, 2Relax, I couldn't have said it any better. You sound like most all of us long time investors. Frustrating to say the least, is how we have felt for years watching the the SLOW progress of this company getting these products on USA retail shelves. Yes, some of the blame has to to go to our regulatory agency, but there is no doubt MANY mistakes were made by our management. If foresight was there, trials should have been designed to accommodate the criteria needed by FDA but they were not and the time it took for this management to finally understand it was the FDA way or the highway, precious time was wasted and more and more debt acquired (selling of stock) to keep the 'dream' alive. Thus digging a whole SO deep to where we are now with 2 clearances from FDA and NO positive stock price movement. The longer we stay stagnant with NO news of FULL CLEARANCE and NO supplying stock for retail shelves, we will see this pink sheet stock played like fiddle. We need major news to break thru. It's possible and even probable that it will come, so we hold on, wait and even add more for THAT time. Products this revolutionary and effective WILL get noticed. But without a doubt, that would have happened so much earlier with someone else steering the ship. Really, one must contemplate the possibility that our CEO and his sister, since profiting SO MUCH from the loan arrangement, did NOT want this to succeed until they seriously enriched themselves from that loan arrangement. Maybe when those family notes are finally settled and USA roll out occurs, we can see this heading in the right direction we all envisioned when we bought our first shares.


11/28/17 2:09 PM

#116609 RE: 2Relax #116598

"it seems as though TEAM BIEL has stumbled upon a way to make money by the share structure."

You are right, if they were not making money they would have put the knee and heel products in stores. To Hell with CVS, Walgreens etc.there are a lot of outlets that would put them on their shelves.


11/28/17 3:20 PM

#116616 RE: 2Relax #116598

Great post. My feelings exactly , as I have been waiting since April 2006 with shares purchased at 30 cents ! Over a decade of scams or excuses or just plain old bumbling. Hope 2018 we longs get rewarded.