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11/23/17 11:07 AM

#116507 RE: slopak #116506

I just bought my third one. I place it on my lower back. I have left hip mild left hip pain. But putting on my lower back really helps me with that pain. I am not a fan of the bandaid type adhesive strip that come with it so I use a lidocaine patch to adhere it. I find the combo to be very effective. This device works! I dont where it everyday because when I'm feeling good I get a little lax. My coworkers know I ware this device,
and they can tell when I don't have it on because I start to lymp. I don't even realize I'm doing it lol. That's my cue to start waring again. I would say I whare it 4 out of seven days.
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11/23/17 1:01 PM

#116508 RE: slopak #116506

Yup. Market yet does not understand the Exponential

growth about to take place. If the Market did understand this would be selling much higher.

Market will figure this out shortly because it will not take much for this to get to a penny or two.

Yes people should be very please to buy this right now at what is a discount price.
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11/24/17 9:49 AM

#116512 RE: slopak #116506

slopak, I know you've been here a long time as I have and MANY others that share their point of views on this company and its products. We have seen it all, not many good times, mostly bad times (decrease in stock price). Amazing how so many have stayed invested for so long and others who sell, but only to buy back later. There are also those who continuously watch the stock price and progress of this company. Why? Why are so many interested in this stock, company and its products? I have been active in stock transactions for years and personally I have never seen such interest as this in a penny stock, with such loyal long standing investors. Penny stock players are usually in and out, not long term holders. That is why this is such an unusual investment. Why? I think we all know (even the haters) that these products have the potential, if marketed right, to be explosive in sales reflecting eventually in the stock price. It could be slow and steady or overnight depending on news released. With the acceptance of 'tens' units, we know there is a market out there for alternative pain suppressants to those liver damaging/addictive pain pills so financially prosperous for those BIG PHARMA drug pushers! We're seeing more and more awareness to this problem in this country. Why wouldn't a product that many of us use and help with our pain not sell if marketed correctly. And why wouldn't the BIG BOY pain product pushers grab these products to buffer all the negative attacks on them for those killer pain pills they so seriously financially profit from.

I think we all agree that these products should sell.

And if/when they DO .............$$$$