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11/20/17 5:21 PM

#18194 RE: pdgood #18186

pdgood Sunday, 11/19/17 03:27:28 PM
Re: None

Post #
of 18193 Go
Better pay attention to this

What happened here is interesting ta say the least. Read the quoted material below from the original NIR Complaint. Where did those assets go and which notes were involved. You'd be wise ta find out and watch each very close. Once a zebra always a zebra. Game on. And we're all tuned in.

"68.In November and December 2008, Ribotsky (on behalf of the AJW Funds) and the Purchaser (on behalf of his entities) entered into nine separate transactions in which the AJW Funds purportedly sold $43.2 million of convertible PIPE debentures to the Purchaser's entities.
The debentures that Ribotsky purported to sell the Purchaser had a face value of$12.6 million, which represented the AJW Funds' principal investment in the companies that issued the 24 debentures. The Purchaser, however, did not pay cash for the debentures; rather, he signed a series of "promissory notes" agreeing to pay the full purchase price in cash within 3-6 months. The Purchaser also executed a "personal guarantee" promising to personally pay the full purchase price for the debentures in the event his entities could not do so."