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11/17/17 6:23 PM

#31013 RE: Silverboygt #31012

Once again your money is GONE, the stock you have from the revoked CUSIP can no longer be used. It is done, nothing the company can do about it. The only way a shareholder of this revoked security will see a dime is through lawsuits and that is the only means in which shareholder will get some form of compensation.

There has never been a security that has been revoked from the OTC that has returned as a public security. There is no legal means if such a thing occurred for the new stock to be issued to those with revoked securities, it would be an illegal distribution.

Any statement that a shareholder of this revoked security seeing it trading again is a complete lie and cannot be supported by an actual occurrence or legal means of doing so.


11/17/17 7:11 PM

#31014 RE: Silverboygt #31012

Why only tell you about this? why not make a public statement? I don't believe it.