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Biotech Pharmer

11/17/17 2:58 PM

#12358 RE: healthywelth #12357

It's like deja vu all over again. Yevvy, where'd that ghost writer go? He/she wrote a book on here yesterday that was gramatically perfect and flowed coherently. Did you get into the electric Kool Aid again?


11/18/17 2:11 PM

#12367 RE: healthywelth #12357

Healthywealth, you made some good points. Regardless of what you said, I don't plan on dumping INNV. I've lost $10K out of $15K, so the only way I'd sell is for breaking even, or hopefully a huge profit. My plan is to stay in INNV for at least the next 2-3yrs, if not until retirement age of 20 years from now. As a matter of fact, I plan to buy some more shares in December, because hopefully people will be selling for a tax right off, which lowers the share price, which means I can average down more, and get shares for cheap.