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Jiminy Cricket

11/16/17 12:53 PM

#16111 RE: Richard333 #16110

What is a conspiracy theory here?

Why is ELED a good investment?

What good reason is there to put money into ELED, which has growing losses every quarter and 15 MILLION+ in debts?

Why on Earth do you keep "investing" money in ELED, or in any OTC?

And again, what are the conspiracy theories? Besides that it is shorts that ruin the price??? (In reality, it is the crappy stock the ruins the price and makes it go down)


11/16/17 1:28 PM

#16112 RE: Richard333 #16110

I have $35,000 into this, I sold and rebought etc.

I now have 1,400,000 shares. I rebought 140,000 shares today. I will no longer sell anymore shares. I need some hope for a better future. If I sell and run, I'm doomed. I have to stay to the bitter end if need be.

ELED is a small company with 5 employees, it's smaller than where I work.

I understand that ELED is a growth microcap investment.

If they get just enough orders to hire an additional employee and make it to 6, this will boom.

Like you, I would like them to keep us updated.

Crossing my fingers and hoping that the next earnings report shows some improvement and hope.


11/17/17 1:27 AM

#16129 RE: Richard333 #16110 on gov is a pump and dump by a Facebook group..the company is a failing business with outstanding judgements..well documented..why would anyone continue to invest in this ticker..smh..they dont pay their bills and have no future hopes..its amazing bankruptcy hasnt been filed..the government look for stable well established business with clean financials to get into business with...wait did u actually get someone on the phone..last i checked they had an old fashion answering machine


11/17/17 11:14 PM

#16138 RE: Richard333 #16110

If my dreams are correct, ELED will peak at 0.7748 with peak momentum at 0.65, peak momentum means you could have 5,000,000 shares to sell and ask for market and they would disappear as soon as you hit the send order button and you get your 0.65 a share.

If my dreams are correct, we should see 0.02 and then 0.03 in November.

If we see two cents and then 3 cents in November, this means that we will also see 0.21, 0.42, 0.7748, 0.72 later on in 2018.

If we NEVER see two cents and three cents in November, then I'm just a fool on a doomsday trip.

The only way I can explain two cents and three cents in November is if we get a good earnings report with positive guidance.

So, am I doomed or not ? we shall see !!!