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11/17/17 10:55 PM

#16134 RE: jsmoov #16129

I am pretty much certain that ELED has nothing to do with the Facebook pump group and that they were pissed back in April when false rumors of acquisition were circulating and they had to redress the situation with a correction PR just to distance themselves and not being accused of pumping their own stock.

I am pretty much certain that ELED is a real company, albeit small, and that they are not in the business of pumping their own stock on facebook.

You would be surprised WHO the government deals with. The Pentagon dealt with a shady ammunition supplier that sold them stalled, low quality ammunition from Asia that wouldn't fire. He was "cutting" quality ammunition with poor ammunition in the hopes they wouldn't find.

He was a private independent contractor, a ONE MAN OPERATION with a shady track record. He got arrested and fined and was barred from further dealings.

If the Pentagon can deal with one man operations, I bet the Environment Protection Agency can mandate ELED to supply energy savings lighting solutions for public offices nationwide.

They are a small company with 5 employees. Now I understand that ELED is a growth microcap play to be held in the long term. Let's hope that ER is good in November and shows a glimpse of hope.

I see 3 cents soon. on gov is a pump and dump by a Facebook group..the company is a failing business with outstanding judgements..well documented..why would anyone continue to invest in this ticker..smh..they dont pay their bills and have no future hopes..its amazing bankruptcy hasnt been filed..the government look for stable well established business with clean financials to get into business with...wait did u actually get someone on the phone..last i checked they had an old fashion answering machine